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Saturday, February 22, 2014 

Fw:Fw:转发:Fwd: 转发:Fw:Fw:通知大家,预防特大电脑病毒


Subject: 转发:Fwd: 转发:Fw:Fw:通知大家,预防特大电脑病毒


 Urgent ! Please inform all.......... 
For your computer and for my, circulate this notice to your friends and family contacts!
In the coming days be mindful: do not open any message that contains an attachment called:
"Update for Windows Live"regardless of who you send.
It is a virus that burns the whole hard drive. This virus comes from a known person who has your address list.
This is why you should send this message to all your contacts.
If you receive a message with the attachment "Windows Live Update", even if it is sent by a friend, do not open and immediately turn off your computer.
This is the worst virus announced by CNN, and has been classified by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever.
This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday.
There is no possibility of repair for this type of virus.
It simply destroys Sector Zero from the hard disk.
Remember: if you send this information to your contacts, you will protect us all.
為您、的電腦,發給本通知給你的朋友 和家人! 
"更新的Windows Live"不管你誰送的。 
如果您收到一條消息與附件"Windows Live更新",即使它是由一個朋友送的,不要打開,並立即關閉您的計算機。 


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